I've claimed to find over 20 documentaries about "9/11 truth", or how 9/11 was an inside job, so I've been collecting a list of them as I come across them, as proof of that claim. Today I count 45. Here's the list so far, with links to every video so you can see for yourself. I have not watched all of these and I don't recommend that to anyone--it would probably take a week straight to watch all of this footage back to back. However, I do recommend that everyone watch at least one. In fact, considering the work, the lives, the evidence... I think it's your duty as an american citizen to watch one.
I want to know how the number of 9/11 truth documentaries ranks against the numbers of documentaries made about other subjects. How many other subjects can claim to have had 45 documentaries made about them?
The List: (in no particular order)
**The URLs are listed on a separate line so you can just triple-click them to copy**
1. Conspiracy Theory w Jesse Ventura Episode:
2. The Conspiracy Files (one episode): 9/11
3. The Conspiracy Files (one episode): 9/11 - The Third Tower
4. 2012 - NEWEST 9/11 DOCUMENTARY - PROOF 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB (short):
5. Ring of Power (9/11 truth in first section):
6. The Toronto Hearings on 9/11: Uncovering 10 Years of Deception:Preview:
(tons of hours of footage from all their experts - just youtube it)
7. Farenheit 911:
8. Loose Change:
9. Loose Change, 2nd Edition:
10. 9/11 Press for Truth
11. 911 Mysteries
12. 9/11 Blueprint for Truth
13. 9/11 The Explosive Reality
14. September Clues
15. 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out
16. National Security Alert - 9/11 Pentagon Attack:
17. ZERO An Investigation Into 9/11:
18. 9/11 Truth: Hollywood Speaks Out:
19. The Truth and Lies of 9-11:
20. Painful Deceptions 2005: 9/11:
21. What On Earth Is Happening: Was 9/11 a Masonic Ritual Sacrifice?:
22. Jimmy Walter: The World Was Lied To...:
23. Hidden Secrets About 911 World Trade Centre Attack 2001:
24. 9/11 - Time For Truth:
25. 9/11 - Time For Truth 2:
26. 9/11: The Great Illusion: End Game of the Illuminati:
27. Tania Head: The 9/11 Faker
28. Core of Corruption: In The Shadows:
29. 9/11 False Flag:
30. Fabled Enemies
31. 9/11 And the British Broadcasting Conspiracy
32. The Great Conspiracy: The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw:
33. 911 The Road to Tyrrany (Alex Jones)
32. 9/11 Revisited, Were Explosives Used?
33. Aftermath: Unanswered Questions from 9/11:
35. The Ultimate Con
36. Martial Law 9/11: The Rise of the Police State (Alex Jones)
37. Everybody’s Gotta Learn Sometime
38. War and Globalization: The Truth Behind 9/11 (Lecture)
39. A New Standard of Deception
40. 9/11 Eyewitness
41. Improbable Collapse: The Demolition of Our Republic
42. The Elephant In The Room
43. The 9/11 Chronicles: Truth Rising
44. Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-Up of 9/11
45. In Their Own Words: The Untold Stories of the 9/11 Families
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