Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Master List of 9/11 Truth Documentaries

I've claimed to find over 20 documentaries about "9/11 truth", or how 9/11 was an inside job, so I've been collecting a list of them as I come across them, as proof of that claim. Today I count 45. Here's the list so far, with links to every video so you can see for yourself. I have not watched all of these and I don't recommend that to anyone--it would probably take a week straight to watch all of this footage back to back. However, I do recommend that everyone watch at least one. In fact, considering the work, the lives, the evidence... I think it's your duty as an american citizen to watch one.

I want to know how the number of 9/11 truth documentaries ranks against the numbers of documentaries made about other subjects. How many other subjects can claim to have had 45 documentaries made about them?

The List: (in no particular order)
**The URLs are listed on a separate line so you can just triple-click them to copy**

1. Conspiracy Theory w Jesse Ventura Episode:

2. The Conspiracy Files (one episode): 9/11

3. The Conspiracy Files (one episode): 9/11 - The Third Tower

4. 2012 - NEWEST 9/11 DOCUMENTARY - PROOF 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB (short):

5. Ring of Power (9/11 truth in first section):

6. The Toronto Hearings on 9/11: Uncovering 10 Years of Deception:Preview:
(tons of hours of footage from all their experts - just youtube it)

7. Farenheit 911:

8. Loose Change:

9. Loose Change, 2nd Edition:

10. 9/11 Press for Truth

11. 911 Mysteries

12. 9/11 Blueprint for Truth

13. 9/11 The Explosive Reality

14. September Clues

15. 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out

16. National Security Alert - 9/11 Pentagon Attack:

17. ZERO An Investigation Into 9/11:

18. 9/11 Truth: Hollywood Speaks Out:

19. The Truth and Lies of 9-11:

20. Painful Deceptions 2005: 9/11:

21. What On Earth Is Happening: Was 9/11 a Masonic Ritual Sacrifice?:

22. Jimmy Walter: The World Was Lied To...:

23. Hidden Secrets About 911 World Trade Centre Attack 2001:

24. 9/11 - Time For Truth:

25. 9/11 - Time For Truth 2:

26. 9/11: The Great Illusion: End Game of the Illuminati:

27. Tania Head: The 9/11 Faker

28. Core of Corruption: In The Shadows:

29. 9/11 False Flag:

30. Fabled Enemies

31. 9/11 And the British Broadcasting Conspiracy

32. The Great Conspiracy: The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw:

33. 911 The Road to Tyrrany (Alex Jones)

32. 9/11 Revisited, Were Explosives Used?

33. Aftermath: Unanswered Questions from 9/11:

35. The Ultimate Con

36. Martial Law 9/11: The Rise of the Police State (Alex Jones)

37. Everybody’s Gotta Learn Sometime

38. War and Globalization: The Truth Behind 9/11 (Lecture)

39. A New Standard of Deception

40. 9/11 Eyewitness

41. Improbable Collapse: The Demolition of Our Republic

42. The Elephant In The Room

43. The 9/11 Chronicles: Truth Rising

44. Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-Up of 9/11

45. In Their Own Words: The Untold Stories of the 9/11 Families

Saturday, May 26, 2012

What the Hell is Going on Here?

A concise, comprehensive collection of documentaries and research material for those who want the truth.

Look around you. Things don't make sense. It seems like if you ask enough questions about anything these days, nothing ever adds up. This list is my attempt to explain why, through the research and work that many others have already done. I am not an expert myself--I'm only good at explaining the big-picture high-level dynamics of this situation. So this is merely one beggar's effort to tell other beggars where he found bread.  I've designed this special list of documentaries and information to fully educate a newbie who knows nothing about any of this, from the ground up, in the most concise fashion possible. Some are slightly outdated, but are kept in this list because their information is so eclectic and clearly explained. There are hundreds of documentaries (and millions of pages of text) relating to the subject, but the documentaries I've chosen here encapsulate most of that into just a few sources.

This list provides critical information for every freedom loving human being in the world. It is ultimately a matter of life and death, as it involves situations that, in history, have resulted in the slaughtering of millions of innocent people. For my fellow American citizens: if we don't wake up our country to this information very soon, the country itself may very well be gone in as little as 2-3 years, and at war with itself even sooner. But do not take my word for it. Check out the documentaries and info here and evaluate the situation for yourself. Before action can be taken, we must first disseminate the information. By the time you read this, you may be the one grain of rice needed to tip the scale and thus avoid all armed conflict and oppression entirely.

Make whatever conclusion you want from this information, but my conclusion is that there is a real conspiracy to take over the world, it is in action as we speak, doing a dangerously good job of executing it's plans, and it is a menace to the safety and freedom of everyone in the world. But even if I'm wrong (and I hope I am), it's still very important that every American know the information contained here.

First, remember a few things:
- Just because you want something to be true doesn't make it true. That includes conspiracy theories. Make honest observations and evaluations for yourself.
- Terrible, unspeakable, unbelievable things have happened over and over and over again in history. Do not fall prey to the idea that it will never happen again. And consider what it will look like the next time it does happen. It is of critical importance that you take the time to sit down and really consider this.
- A claim may be incorrect, but the evidence will still leave a smoking gun. If something doesn't make sense, do not settle the issue in your mind until you figure it out.
- Do not believe anything that does not connect to anything you have seen evidence of in your life with your own two eyes. But do not discount testimonials as being anything less than a testimonial. Do your fact-checking.
- Just because something sounds stupid doesn't mean it is.
- Just because something doesn't make sense doesn't make it false. The difference between truth and fiction: fiction has to make sense. The truth about the world is the truth about the world, whether it makes sense to us or not.
- Have patience. Some things are better explained in other documentaries and info sources than others.

Some (Alex Jones, especially) will sound hokey and, frankly, stupid in their presentation style. Fair warning. But it's just the presentation style. You have to fairly look at the facts and evidence objectively for yourself. Think through it. Ask questions. If something isn't properly explained, find an explanation for it. For a newbie, a lot of this stuff is not easy to understand at first, and even if you understand it, not easy to swallow. In order to find the truth, you must align yourself with and commit to nothing less than the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Otherwise you will reject these claims simply because you don't want them to be true. I've arranged this list in an order that I hope makes that learning process easier, but we'll just have to see how it goes.

I am always open to answer questions and read comments, and I would love to make this list more rich, comprehensive, and concise. So please send me any other ideas or documentaries you find. This is intended to be a rolling, constantly updated tool for enlightening people to the dangers hiding in plain view. Let's keep it up to-date.

Please report any dead links. Also, please save copies of these documentaries if you have the ability to do so - if my conclusions are correct, it may only be a matter of time before these videos are censored.

Spread this around, change it, steal the credit --I don't care. Just get this out to as many people as you can.

The list is meant to be watched in order, from top to bottom.

My "Big Three" Documentaries
If you watch or read nothing else, watch these.

The World According to Monsanto
- "Food, Inc" is a good documentary, too (available on netflix)

What in the World Are they Spraying?:

The Obama Deception (Alex Jones):
- Released in 2009, almost 4 years ago
- Note: this list is not about Obama, but the bigger picture. Obama is just an example.

The Global Bankers' Strategy For World Takeover (short videos):
- Extremely important that you understand this thoroughly. If needed, pause the videos, think about them, and watch them several times. Talk to me about it if you have questions. Do not gloss over anything. These videos are short and clean up a lot of the mess other documentaries leave behind. So make sure you understand every detail. The particular subject of this part lies at the core of how everything in this list works.

How "it" works (The American Dream):

Economic Hitmen Animation:

Evidence of FEMA's Concentration Camps:
- Also called "detention centers" and "re-education camps"

Banned-By-Congress episode of Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura:

Also note the National Defense Authorization Act of 2011 (S.1867), signed into law December 31, 2011 by Barack Obama, which allows the indefinite detention of american citizens without due process, trial, evidence, or probable cause. It allows the military to snatch anyone off the street without ever having to disclose your location or status to any government agency at any point in time.

The next level of power - British and Masonic/Illuminati Control; the truth behind the founding fathers, the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence
Short Video: List of official laws, edicts, and other fact-checkable documents showing that the US has been debased, is legally no longer under constitutional law, and is actually a corporation owned by British/foreign entities, on paper:
- Despite this fact, remember that we are still a sovereign nation if we say so. We can cut ties and do what we want if the power is restored once again to us, the people. Don't be pushed around by ink on paper.

Documentary: Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings, Part 1:

Also watch part 2 and 3 if you have time (they're long, so you can skip them):
- Riddles In Stone: The Secret Architecture of Washington DC: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gVQsEO-rIc&feature=gv#!

The "next-next level" of power - who (or what) controls the Illuminati:
You don't have to have any particular spiritual beliefs, but you should know that "they" have very specific ones, and what those beliefs are. If you think radical Islam is bad, you ain't seen nothing yet.
Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove  (Alex Jones) (Don't really have to watch this one - just look up pictures on the internet of the giant owl; the video is just for documented evidence that many of our major political/industry leaders do, in fact, meet in Northern California to worship a giant owl)

How they've gotten this far, and how they maintain control:
Articles: The Dumbing Down of Society via Biochemistry:
- also remember What In The World Are They Spraying?

Documentry: Thrive - Evidence that infinite energy sources have been discovered, but suppressed for 50+ years (when you consider Nikola Tesla, whose papers and belongings were confiscated and classified by the US government as soon as he died)

Documentary: Who Killed the Electric Car - 
- Example of how they restrict technological advancement by buying up patents and just locking them away - they can't have a smart population of people that do not need "them" to survive

Proof that Science has been hijacked by the propaganda machine:
Documentary: Scientists Under Attack:

Clinical psychopathy in Wall Street:

Also lots of brainwashing through the entertainment media: http://vigilantcitizen.com/

Short Video: 9/11 Summary:
- They create a problem (or the illusion of one), and then pose as the saviors, allowing them to establish a stronger and stronger police state. Now we have the TSA, DHS, and every other government agency getting way out of control despite having no terrorist attacks.
- There are 20+ documentaries I've found on exposing the truth behind the 9/11 attacks, all with basically the same info

And now the police state is rising...

Now they just call anyone they want to disappear a "terrorist", including whistleblowers:
FBI Suspected Terrorist Flyers downloadable here:

Illegal Everything, John Stossel:

Officials who refuse to answer questions:
$9Tril Missing:
Military official basically says they don't need congressional approval, and that legality of military action only comes from international organizations (treason):


Evidence that Gaddafi was fighting against the Illuminati, but was painted as a black sheep by the media to validate erasing him. If you're wondering why not a single person at the high levels of power stand up against them, it could be because they're just not telling you. They'd rather you think that these people were evil terrorists and that nobody is really fighting back:

Reverse the effects of poisons in our food, water, and air for yourself:

Let's stop this while we can. Tune into alternative media, like Alex Jones radio show and podcast at infowars.com (or shoutcast.com, local am/fm radio, and Sirius satellite radio) to stay abreast and strong in this information war. Other god alternative media outlets include RT America (http://www.youtube.com/user/RTAmerica), http://www.naturalnews.com/http://vigilantcitizen.com/. Read your US Constitution and know it. It may not have any technical legal power anymore, but it's still a strong symbol and code of ethics and behavior that effectively carries real authority with it. We are the resistance. Truth is our weapon. An awake and enlightened population is so threatening to an oppressive regime that it can make an armed conflict unnecessary. And that's the goal. But the choice is yours: fight in the info war now, or fight on the battlefield later. I don't think anybody wants another civil war. So let's stop this now.