Sunday, June 7, 2009


It is possible that the only way you know you exist is by the existence of other things. You would not feel your existence were it not for other existent things to reflect your own force back to you, or maybe you could say, were it not for other things to reflect your 'existence' back to you.
Does this mean that you truly are your environment?
Also, this suggests that your existence is much greater than your environment. If the only parts of your existence that you are aware of are those parts that interact with other things and reflect your forces back to you, then that means there could be other existent parts of you that you are not aware of, simply because nothing else can sense them.
Taking this one more step further, if humans truly are far more capable than we have been led to believe, perhaps it only takes being around a more 'enlightened' individual to become more deeply aware of your existence. If he is aware of his existence on levels that you are not, and he can interact with you on those levels, then just being around him will make you aware of those parts of your existence, parts you had never known before. To speculate, this could be how prophets, miracle workers, Jesus Christ, etc, could have healed and done wonderful things for people. Perhaps they were just exposing the people to the part of their existence that could fix the problem. The problem is, as soon as you're away from one of these enlightened individuals, you're back to not feeling your existence in that sense again. However, if we all shared an existence on these deeper levels, why would my deeper level not interact with yours all the time, and thus make me aware of it? Maybe at that level we have a choice to interact, or 'forces' are reflected in unfamiliar ways.

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