Monday, March 30, 2015

Prayer in C - The Internalization of God

This song was stuck in my head recently, I figured out why, and I think the answer is noteworthy. This song describes exactly where I am--in the middle of internalizing God. I think it's popular right now because that's exactly where society is. Take a look.

Here is the music video:

Here are the lyrics.

"Prayer In C (Robin Schulz Remix)"
(with Robin Schulz)

Yah, you never said a word
You didn't send me no letter
Don't think I could forgive you

See our world is slowly dying
I'm not wasting no more time
Don't think I could believe you

Yah, you never said a word
You didn't send me no letter
Don't think I could forgive you

See our world is slowly dying
I'm not wasting no more time
Don't think I could believe you

Yah, our hands will get more wrinkled
And our hair will be grey
Don't think I could forgive you

And see the children are starving
And their houses were destroyed
Don't think they could forgive you

Hey, when seas will cover lands
And when men will be no more
Don't think you can forgive you

Yah when there'll just be silence
And when life will be over
Don't think you will forgive you

Yah, you never said a word
You didn't send me no letter
Don't think I could forgive you

See our world is slowly dying
I'm not wasting no more time
Don't think I could believe you

Yah, you never said a word
You didn't send me no letter
Don't think I could forgive you

See our world is slowly dying
I'm not wasting no more time
Don't think I could believe you

Yah, our hands will get more wrinkled
And our hair will be grey
Don't think I could forgive you

And see the children are starving
And their houses were destroyed
Don't think they could forgive you

Hey, when seas will cover lands
And when men will be no more
Don't think you can forgive you

Yah when there'll just be silence
And when life will be over
Don't think you will forgive you


The fact that it's so unclear who is speaking to who in this song is part of what makes this song so perfect. Is it humans talking to humanity? Society talking to society? Humanity talking to God? God talking to humanity? It's all of the above. And that's why it's really about internalizing God.

I am in a place where I can hardly tell the difference between myself and God anymore. My relationship with God is definitely ending, but at the same time, it is maturing to its greatest deepest intimacy.

It's a confusing place. Why does God allow these bad things to happen? Does he even exist? If he does exist, what's difference does it really make if he just sits there and watches people get screwed? Is it really all just us? Do we have that power normally attributed to God? How do we believe that? Is it by taking responsibility?

Recently I've been reminded of how repetition of can be extremely valuable. When reading, listening, or speaking, like in a mantra, or a song, or poetry, repetition can reveal something about the subject that wasn't apparent before. The words can change meaning, and be very enlightening. In this song there is a subtle but gradual change of words among the repetition that gently brings us from one place in this struggle to another.

Consider the last line of each stanza:

Don't think I could forgive you
Don't think I could believe you
Don't think I could forgive you
Don't think I could believe you
Don't think I could forgive you
Don't think they could forgive you
Don't think you can forgive you
Don't think you will forgive you
Don't think I could forgive you
Don't think I could believe you
Don't think I could forgive you
Don't think I could believe you
Don't think I could forgive you
Don't think they could forgive you
Don't think you can forgive you
Don't think you will forgive you

It evolves in two cycles from "Don't think I could forgive you", to "Don't think you can forgive you", to "Don't think you will forgive you".

It's saying, I want to live in love, but who do we blame for this? Who do we forgive for this? I want to know who is responsible so that I can forgive them, grieve, and get past it. Is it you? Or you? Is it God? But whoever it is, I don't think I can forgive them. I don't think anyone can forgive them. I don't think they can forgive themselves. But we have a responsibility to forgive. And what if its God we have to forgive? The concept of forgiving God? That's a role reversal liken to inheriting the mind of God. And if it's God talking to us, have we failed on our responsibilities he has left to us? And if so, then that means he gave us the power to fix it--a God-level capability. The more you grow with God, the more authority and responsibility he gives you, and the more he imbues you with the mind of God--a mind of truth and love. At some point God becomes so integrated into you that you never have to look outside yourself to find him. And at that point, is there really a difference between you and God? Especially if you are in earnest? So have we put this responsibility on ourselves, believing in some way that we could save those children, but we didn't? It makes God kind of redundant. We would not have put that responsibility on anyone or anything, human or God, if we didn't believe success was somehow, some way possible. And how could we believe that if it wasn't in us to do it in the first place? I don't know how we ever got separated from God (actually, I have a theory), but this song is making an effort to bring us back together. To answer if it's us, society, or God... it's all of the above, all at once.

This song is asking society to figure out how to believe in forgiveness without believing in an external God separate from who we really are. It's asking us to figure out how to forgive ourselves so that we can become true sources of love, and maybe have real peace in the world. Because I think forgiveness is the first big step toward becoming our own Gods, and then we can create the world we really want. But before we can fully forgive, we have to fully take responsibility for everything.

I'm not wasting no more time, means I'm not going to wait around for God to do it for me. I'm going to do it myself, and God can either help me, lead me, or get out of my way. The speaker is completely taking responsibility for the situation, and abandoning any idea that she is waiting around for an external God's help. In abandoning God, she's also abandoning the idea of an external God; abandoning her belief and faith in it. She's abandoning her old self that thought the real God power was outside of her. Because it was God who abandoned her needs and those children's needs. And in taking that responsibility, she's reclaiming the power and authority of God--her true creative power--within herself, and actually coming BACK to the real God and the real truth in a very real way.

All of that is converging together in a way that I can barely explain. But the song itself nails it. The song itself is that convergence. Good music is truly magical. A good piece of artwork is a channel that collects energy unto it, takes you through a transformative process, and releases the energy back to you. Art is communication in context. And this cultural context is perfect for this song.

All I can conclude for sure in this is that responsibility and forgiveness is a very strong common thread, and it seems like the end of this convergence is a "conversion" to a sort of athiestic spirituality, where we recognize and unify with the God within us in a more real, quantifiable way than we ever have.

This is a sign that our society is starting to internalize God. It's a sign that it wants to--we are thirsty for a spiritual revolution. Songs like this are opening the door allowing us do that.

See Also:
How to get rid of a song stuck in your head

How To Get Rid Of A Song Stuck In Your Head (the right way)

TL;DR: First read the lyrics. Then sit in silence, let the song run through your head freely, and let your brain figure out whatever it's trying to figure out.

**This is a method to use when the Zeigarnik effect doesnt work, that doesn't require you to just drown it out with something else or destroy memories, both of which can be a very unhealthy habits to develop. This method cuts to the real core of the issue.**

Don't you love it when you get a great song stuck in your head? It just kinda keeps going. And at first you're like, "Ok, this is cool. No problem." But a part of you is afraid. You know what's going to happen. You're afraid it won't go away. That the sweet serenade will turn into a lyrical browbeating that makes you want to throw yourself into the Potomac, and it'll end up being a song you hate the life out of. But you just accept it for now, you try to listen to some other stuff and forget about it. "It'll go away," you tell yourself.

Well, wouldn't it be nice to know that it's gone for real, and that you WON'T find yourself playing hot potato hand grenade in a cold sweat under your uncle's staircase in a week? Wouldn't it be nice to know that no song will EVER plague you like that again? Music is a really great way to deal with our demons and grow as individuals. And songs like this that get stuck in your head are WHERE IT IS AT. Here's what I think is going on and what to do.

Why The Song is Stuck in Your Head:

What I have found is that when a song is stuck in your head it means there's something your brain is trying to figure out, and that song has something to do with it. It doesn't matter if you like the song or not. There's something in you that's trying to speak, and it's found a voice through that song because you won't listen otherwise. There's something in you that needs your attention.

The solution: Listen.

As in most cases, taking "control" really means taking responsibility, letting go of your egos, and then being open to whatever you may be about to learn from within.

First, go read the lyrics, following along with the song as it plays. Just google the song name and "lyrics", and then find the song on youtube. (if you haven't already compulsively bought fifteen thousands copies of it) I prefer to not watch the music video, but that's up to you.

Then give yourself some time to just sit in silence with your thoughts and no external stimulation. This is basically a mini-meditation. Just let the song run through your head freely as it will and just let your thoughts do what they will do. In no time, you will have an "ah-hah" or a "holy crap" moment. You might even get a paradigm shift. I can't tell  you what your revelation will be, but you will definitely know it when you see it.

Of course the ultimate proof is if the song starts playing in your head a minute later. If you found the right thing, it definitely will not.

Some caviats: sometimes it's not just a thought, but a "do". It might bug you until you apologize to your friend, or return the book you stole. It might be that you have to grieve, so you need to go grieve before the song leaves your mind. Whatever it is, you'll know what needs to be done from this five minute exercise.

The last step is to give some sort of thanks. Just thank yourself, whoever, or whatever you feel is partly responsible for your revelation. Appreciate it. Feel that appreciation. Reflect. Done.

No method is completely foolproof--I have been running from the Mattress Giant song for the last 15+ years and it still haunts me to this day. I just can't sit with the song long enough to figure it out--it's so damn unnerving. But for every other song that has ever been stuck in my head, this method has worked. We all have our demons, and music is a great  way to deal with them. I could write endlessly about the perplexing magicality of music. Good luck!
(cue reading rainbow)

Friday, March 27, 2015

Honne, My Purpose, This Blog, Inspirations, Future Posts 150327

In Japan, they have two concepts known as honne and tatemae. Honne is the real truth, while tatemae is the facade. Tatemae is how the truth appears on the surface, the facade, the "official story", or what we choose to tell ourselves. Corruption lives in the gap between the honne and tatemae. Government, culture, soul, mind, body... When the gap grows two wide, corrections happen. Conflict, lawsuits, wars, revolutions, disasters, depression, pain, destruction. My job is to reduce that gap down to a crack, peacefully as possible.

But as we have now seen with religion, corporate and government leadership, and even science, the illusion of purity can not only hide corruption, but encourage it.

So while I do think technical clarity is an important part of speaking honestly, I also think unceremoniousness is just as important, especially in pursuit of the truth. It keeps the ego in check and we should celebrate the raw honesty of our feelings. Often times the funniest comedians are funny just because they tell the truth. The beautiful thing about unceremonious truth is that it's untaintable because it was never serious enough to taint in the first place. So sometimes I will be ceremonious and loving, and other times I will make up words, curse, tell stupid tasteless jokes, or hate everything. I love all of me and I know what I live for. I don't care if I never get a job again for it; this is the life we are meant to live. If you want freedom, live in freedom.

Therefore, I will speak as I speak. I will explore all levels of honesty and truth here with you. I will not hide my demons because I want you to see me deal with them. I will not hide my failures because I want you to see me turn them into successes. I will show you everything I can. I guess that's what a blog is supposed to be.

"Sunlight is the best disinfectant"
- quote from someone; Lewis Grandise? Idk, I stole it from the Freakonomics documentary.

It's my destiny to be a voice in the wilderness. I've always felt like there's so much about our society that's so damn wrong. And I feel like everyone else in my generation feels it, too. I'm seeing a lot of artwork about it. But it seems like nobody really knows how to put it all into words. I think that's my job. I want to write and speak the kind of words that can change the world, and solidify a new epoch in the history of humanity. The world is thirsty for a revolution of the spirit. A revolution of truth. I want to be a part of quenching that thirst.

But there's nothing I can tell you that you don't already know. My job is to expose it within you and offer resolution. Only unified people can unify the world.

My purpose is to solve really fucking difficult existential puzzles. To discover and expose the truth. To figure out the universe. Observation and thinking are the only things I've never stopped doing. It is the most consistent part me. Ever since high school, I've always known my destiny was this, and it still is. I may have too much to share through art or video games, and if I die tomorrow, I have to know that at least some of it is out there for others to find. It's time to start sharing my discoveries, as well as my failures, as new discoveries come up and I realize old conclusions were wrong. I want this struggle to be visible. I want someone to look at all this, and know they're not stupid. Because I have discovered incredible things that I never would have if I was not open to being wrong, or comfortable with uncertainty, or if I had ever stopped pursuing the truth.

Because the greatest thing any philosopher has ever taught me was that there is validity to my thoughts.

Posts like this may come fairly often. I think a person should be constantly re-evaluating their purpose and path in life. Coming to the same conclusion means you're on the right track, but this time you understand it even more.

I will be diving head-first into into scary and impossible subjects nobody wants to talk about, from the nature of existence to abortion. There may be articles you can't read because your current understanding of things is too far removed, or you just can't stand them. Maybe you have a better solution to a problem. I'd like to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Future articles:

- How to find your destiny
- The difference between destiny and purpose
- A brief history of my discoveries; why I was not a christian, then became one, and I'm now kinda not again
- How to stimulate positive cultural progress
- Corporate culture in the United States
- The answer to the abortion debate
- The truth about knowledge
- The pursuit of truth or the pursuit of knowledge?
- The human condition, v1, v2, idk
- The truth about right and left brain thinking
- Yoga With Adriene
- Various design reports/reviews (mostly video games)
- The destruction of inductive, deductive, and logical reasoning
- Why a mirror reflects your image horizontally, but not vertically
- Brain Teasers by Sal
- Original Jokes by Sal
- My 4 Fundamental Meditations
- Good Luck Chuck Syndrome Solved (Hopefully)
- How to instantly get control of your sex drive/addiction
- or, How to stop masturbating right now
- How to stop hiccuping immediately using only your breath
- Is porn destroying sex? Is it destroying intimacy?
- or, Is porn why we all suck in bed? Is it why we suck at love?
- My creative design process
- or, How to come up with badass ideas inside any box
- My favorite quotes
- My favorite pickup lines
- My favorite everythings
- My random ideas list
- My video game ideas
- My list of 3d portfolio ideas
- How to identify real love (pursuit revised)
- What I think the future would really be like
- Maybe also some critical reviews of other futurism renditions
- Why the invention of teleportation would end our world
- My board games
- The Salvatorian Verbal Standard
- How to remove LinkedIn contacts if the piece of crap isn't working
- Why haters hate
- What I've learned about success
- The Truth About the Sexodus and Male Rights Activism
- Meta Totems and Fractal Philosophy
- How to fight
- Why I love debate, and hate arguing
- How to never get a sunburn
- How to never stink (without perfume or weird chemicals)
- My ultimate healing tea recipe
- Undervalued clear speaking tricks
- How to solve depression without drugs
- Why I don't believe in belief
- What I do believe in
- What I would do with financial freedom
- Don't listen to anyone (not even me)
- The solution to suicide
- My education philosophy
- Human Time Dilation (how to feel like a kid again, where a week feels like a year, but you're not bored)
- Are antiquated Intellectual Property beliefs starving our future?
- Where I think the information age is heading
- My crazy dances

My Inspirations:
Freakonomics (Dubner & Levitt)
Oscar Wilde
The Joker, but also Batman
Christopher Nolan
Cyanide & Happiness
The Office
Ricky Gervais
JRR Tolkien
Fight Club
John Oliver
Stephen Colbert
Steve Jobs

I intend to speak frankly, clearly, and concisely. I also intend to litter this blog with original art. I'm not giving up this time.