Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Destroyer of Truth

**Editor's note: This is a writing from a very young, egotistical version of me, before I actually found what I would now call "the" truth. It's embarrassing for me to have this on my blog now. But I leave it here out of some sense of honesty. This is where I genuinely was at the time this was written. It was a very important milestone in my personal development and search for the truth. It remains here for your observation.**

In my quest for truth I have discovered some interesting things. My destiny is to discover and expose the truth. Now I am facing the truth of my destiny at a new level of understanding. Until recently, I thought it that meant I was a seeker of truth...

To find truth, one must cut through that which is untrue, but held to be true. A truth must be destroyed. So to find truth, one must destroy truth. Truth is what lies beneath that which is untrue.

"Learning is finding out what you already know." - Richard Bach

To learn something new is not to create an entirely new truth within your mind. Learning is the conscious and verbal identification of something that was there all along. It is the connection of words to things that you already know. Learning is really learning how to categorize and conceptualize the world in the ways everyone else does, and then memorizing what words people typically use to represent those concepts. When you learned about gravity, you weren't learning gravity. You learned to compartmentalize this part of nature into one concept, and you learned that people call that concept "gravity". But you already knew gravity itself. Gravity itself is truth. "Gravity", the concept, is not true. These concepts we create in the mind are supposed to be the equivalent of reality, but they never actually match up. They can only be "good enough". Such is the nature of science, and traditional philosophy. We are constantly doing research (scientific or otherwise) to perfect our models of understanding; to make our concepts more precise; to get our mental images as close to reality as possible. But we'll never find the truth that way. We're going in the wrong direction. The truth is what was before, when you attached no image to it and simply existed with it. It's gravity. Who needs the image when you've got the real thing? To know the secrets of the universe, you do not perfect your concepts of it... you quiet the mind and listen. Even Yoda, when he was training Luke to become a Jedi, said to him, "You must unlearn what you have learned."

"Thou shalt worship no other God before me; thou shalt not create and worship idols." -God

What do you think God means by this? Obviously it says a lot of things, but I think he's telling us to honor reality. We are cursed because we worship our words, our mental concepts. We take the concepts we create, project them on our surroundings, and then choose to experience and observe our projection instead of the reality. We assume that what we are looking at is a chair, and then make all kinds of other assumptions based on that one. We assume that we know what we're looking at, but that very ego is the reason we can't know. Our entire lives we are consumed by images. We worship ourselves and our egos rather than God; reality; truth. In an infinite universe, we are trapped in a structure with definitions, walls, and limitations. If truth is God, then God is what exists prior to learning, assumptions, ego, denial, and mental imagery. You are in the presence of God when you are truly present.

"Thou shalt not create and worship idols" is a sin because once you have begun your worship, confiding in your assumptions, you will have to pay the price to return to God. Getting out of them and returning to heaven can be a painful process. You will have to pass through the hell you created to return to God. Projections and assumptions are fueled by denial. We want to believe that something is true. But belief is not power... If you have to believe it's true, then you know it's not true. You know that you have to try in order to believe it. Truth is your natural effortless freedom. God is heaven. You'll have to face those very things you are in denial about in order to cleanse and return to God. "The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off" -Gloria Steinhem. To get out of these projections and be with God, the truth, we have to face those very truths we are running away from--those things we are in denial about. Truth is the scariest thing known to man. Some say that all fear is a fear of the truth. The egos must die, and killing an ego can be like cutting of one of your own arms. Everything you think you are, and everything you think the world is, is an ego. We live through our egos. And so to kill those egos will feel like killing the self. It may feel like your entire life is crumbling. The universe as you know it may be nothing but suffering and destruction. Anybody having apocalyptic thoughts at this point? Do not worry--the real you cannot be destroyed. Your soul is invincible. Return to yourself, return to innocence, return to God, return to Truth. The trick, the lesson, is to not create that world in the first place. Reality exists without such effort.

Perhaps the biggest ego (and the biggest loss to be) is the belief that we can know things. We must admit that we know nothing. By example, yes, like Socrates--there's always an exception to any fact. But also the concept of knowledge itself. The idea that we can know things is false. Knowledge is an idea. An image. And it must die as well. To find truth, one must face the fact that nothing can ever truly be "known". The knowledge of truth is not fact or concept; it is existence itself. It is the natural state of being. Honor that, and you honor God.

My all time favorite quote: "There is a difference between truth and fiction. Fiction has to make sense." -Wilhelm Wexler from the movie "The International", with conceptual credit to Oscar Wilde.

This quote says it all. It's the problem with logical thought, concepts, and seeking the truth itself. Truth does not have to make sense to be true. Your mind does not have to have a concept of something in order for it to be true. In doing so, we are not discovering truth, but creating stories. Real truth sits right in front of you, in reality, every day.

The truth is that there is no truth in the way we know it. In the way we know it, it is only ego. Stories. Real truth is what is left over when ego is cut. Truth is only known to the mind that is quiet and at peace. Mental concepts are so loud. Truth itself is one of those mental concepts. And it is no exception: nothing can ever truly (lol) match this projection. So as long as I am seeking "the truth" I will never find it...


My destiny is to discover and expose the truth. I thought this meant I was a seeker of truth. So I have been seeking. I have found, and I have told. I have discovered Truth itself and exposed it to you in this article. In seeking the truth I have discovered that in order to expose truth, all truth must be destroyed. In being a seeker of truth, I cannot be a seeker of truth. I am a destroyer of truth.

I am the destroyer of truth; the reaper of ego souls; the destruction of your reality; the reset button on your existence; a warrior for peace; your entropy of enlightenment; the samurai of sin; an epistemological apostle; the reclaimer of reticence; the slayer of life; a natural-born killer; the master of disaster; the private of prejudice; I am that which you fear the worst and want the most. I am the truth.

Truth lies within the self. It is within people. To discover and expose the truth, I have to cut down your concepts and egos like a masterful samurai, exposing the light within yourself. It is my destiny to tear through the flesh of your ego, rip out your heart, and show it to you. It might sound sinister, but such is the nature of the destruction of worlds. The destruction of truth.

I declare Jihad on truth itself. By being a masterful killer, I can be a great savior. The name "Salvatore" means "the savior" in Italian; maybe the writing's on the wall. I believe this is aim to be akin to the pinnacle of the Samurai code and the foundation of Aikido. What needs to be destroyed is not the person, but the ego. Aikidoka show their attackers peace by cutting through their attacker's ego with the strength and spirit of the samurai. They wish no harm upon their attackers, only peace and love. With every attempted strike, the Aikidoka simply blends, flows, and harmlessly mutes the attack. In numerology, 7 is the number of Truth, Spirituality, and Intellect. My life path number, my destiny, is 7. It would seem I am the 7Samurai. Similar to Akira Kurosawa's "7 Samurai", I protect the sanctity of reality.

I will still do my analysis and truth-seeking (someday I will get around to actually posting it), but don't be surprised if every one ends up being an illustration of how ridiculous our system of thought really is. To expose the truth beneath, I will destroy the truth that is. But the very words I will use to find the truth are incapable of telling the truth. This is why it must be destroyed. This is who I am: the destroyer of truth.

To those who seek truth:

I am coming for you. Haha, just kidding. The truth is that which has no attached no image to it. It was before knowledge, when you simply existed with it. Mental concepts are unnecessary and unrelated to truth. Truth IS. It is not created. It is not found. It is. Truth is not something you find, it is something you are. If you want truth, you remove the assumptions, the egos, the denial, the images, the concepts, and then... you be.

For further reading, check out Buddhism. This stuff is old news to them, and they have mastered the art. They call it "Karma".

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Destruction of Destruction and Creation

Creation is destruction. To create a building is to destroy our supply of brick and mortar. The pile of supplies was there before, but isn't there now, so it was destroyed.

Destruction is creation. To destroy a building is to create a pile of rubble. The pile of rubble wasn't there before, but IS there now, so it was created.

The key is change. And nothing is constant. When there is change, the instance can always be described as both destructive and creative. All it takes is for something to be different from one instant to the next. But if nothing is constant, then there is constant change...

If change = creation = destruction, and the universe constantly changes, then you can say: At any instance of the universe's existence, the universe is being destroyed and created simultaneously because everything constantly changes. Even if it changes to just a small degree, it still changes.

Now, we know that creation and destruction are one and the same, change. So what about the beginning of the universe, the big bang theory? If the universe was "created" at some point, then couldn't we just as easily say it was destroyed at that point? From our understanding of creation and destruction, it would seem that the universe after the big bang is a creation of parts before, but also the destruction of what was before. Since there is no creation or destruction, then there was simply a change. And if there was a change, then that suggests some existence beforehand, which creates a contradiction: the universe existed before it was created.

Down the rabbit hole. What if I told you that what I just described in that last paragraph sounds a lot like every second of life? Every moment there is change, and every moment there is existence before and after that moment. It seems like our description of the big bang is just like our description of every moment we live. What if our intuitions about the beginning of the universe simply come from intuitions about our present, reinterpreted on a larger scale? What if the big bang really does happen every moment?

I'm suggesting a lot here, but I don't really believe what I'm saying. Based on everything we think we know, based on traditional thinking, everything I have stated above is totally true and valid. But that includes the contradictions. So what's really going on here? The problem is the words. It's that traditional thinking. The problem is that we're trying to capture the nature of all existence in a box, when we know that nothing can be properly defined if it is constantly changing. It's our attempt to define, control, and categorize the universe. We've shown, using obvious, everyday intuitions, that change, creation, and destruction are the same thing. So why do we have 3 different words for them? I think that whatever the intention of those who conceived the words, it wasn't to change our idea of reality. The fact that our understanding of them makes them all the same indicates some kind of misinterpretation. Either they were talking about something else, or the words have 3 different linguistic lineages. Our ideas about creation, destruction, and change are our way of trying to figure out what the words mean. We created a word to represent something, and now we're trying to reinterpret that word to figure out what we were representing. It's a useless and pointless effort. We'll never know exactly what was meant, with just the words. But we don't need to--we have the present. Reality is right here; whatever we were talking about is right here; we don't need the word.

In trying to reinterpret these words, we're trying to figure out what parts of reality they're talking about. Through a little thought we've realized they have to be talking about the same thing. The idea of the big bang, I think, comes from us trying to figure out the very thing we have created--a structured and malfunctioning set of words and ideas attempting to explain the consistency of something that is obviously inconsistent. We're trying to make sense out of the system we've created, which tells me that the system is fundamentally flawed from the get-go. In saying that the universe is created and destroyed in every moment of existence, I'm not saying that's the truth, I'm illustrating the absurd reality that these words (and this system) would suggest if they were taken seriously. The scary thing is, people do take them seriously. Many philosophers have written volumes and volumes about a few words, instead of about reality. Countless people believe with astounding confidence that the universe was CREATED, just because of the words and what they've been told. People think the universe was created simply because they have an imaginary idea of creation and destruction, beginning and endings, conditioned into their minds. Our minds. So it's only logical to assume, if everything is created and/or destroyed, that this very universe was created. Once again it's scary: people have such confidence in the words that nobody ever realized how this universe could just as easily be a destroyed universe as a created one, based on what this traditional thinking says about creation and destruction.

What I want you, the reader, to take from this is an understanding of how dangerous your confidence in words, definition, control, and categorization can be to your connection to reality. There is no destruction or creation as we know it. It's a flawed concept based on nothing. We are all lost in this way of thinking to some degree. Break out. You're reality is here right now. Embrace it. You don't have to live in everyone else's box. This is your existence, and nobody else's. This is OUR system of thinking, so why not change it?!

Now, keep in mind that every theory listed here about the big bang and the nature of existence may be true. But the proof for it listed here is based on the words--not reality--, and is therefore invalid. If those assertions are true, then the only valid proof is in reality itself. The proof is in your very existence, right in front of you.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


It is possible that the only way you know you exist is by the existence of other things. You would not feel your existence were it not for other existent things to reflect your own force back to you, or maybe you could say, were it not for other things to reflect your 'existence' back to you.
Does this mean that you truly are your environment?
Also, this suggests that your existence is much greater than your environment. If the only parts of your existence that you are aware of are those parts that interact with other things and reflect your forces back to you, then that means there could be other existent parts of you that you are not aware of, simply because nothing else can sense them.
Taking this one more step further, if humans truly are far more capable than we have been led to believe, perhaps it only takes being around a more 'enlightened' individual to become more deeply aware of your existence. If he is aware of his existence on levels that you are not, and he can interact with you on those levels, then just being around him will make you aware of those parts of your existence, parts you had never known before. To speculate, this could be how prophets, miracle workers, Jesus Christ, etc, could have healed and done wonderful things for people. Perhaps they were just exposing the people to the part of their existence that could fix the problem. The problem is, as soon as you're away from one of these enlightened individuals, you're back to not feeling your existence in that sense again. However, if we all shared an existence on these deeper levels, why would my deeper level not interact with yours all the time, and thus make me aware of it? Maybe at that level we have a choice to interact, or 'forces' are reflected in unfamiliar ways.